16 December 2009

Water-pollution reports from Sea-Tac -- where are they?

No news is not always a sign of good news.

Are the streams coming down from Sea-Tac Airport in a healthy condition? Supposedly, you can check the Airport’s website for the most recent discharge monitoring reports (DMRs), to learn whether the Airport is in compliance with its water-pollution permit.

Unfortunately, you won’t find current information. The most recent report is for September, & here we are in the third week of December. Given the number of people on staff at the Port, & their considerable expertise in maintaining a website, this lengthy delay is hard to understand.

No news is not always a sign of good news.

1 comment:

  1. A follow-up note. We hear that the Port is blaming budget woes, staff cuts, & furloughs for the shortfall in posting DMRs. This from an organization that takes about $70 million a year in tax subsidies from the property owners of King County, & which boasts what a great economic engine it is.
