18 September 2009

Runway-noise anger continues

Former Normandy Park Council member Stu Creighton has given us permission to post the following message that he sent to Sen Karen Keiser, Rep. Dave Upthegrove , Rep. Tina Orwall, & Des Moines City Councilmember Susan White on 13 August.  (Readers will note the [ ], indicating a modest editorial deletion.)

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My anger over [an unrelated local issue] pales in comparison to my frustation over the Port's ability to escape responsibility for their incredible arrogance in their decision making.

After closing the main runway (12,500 ft in length) for rehab, they have moved the majority of flight operations, that is between 65 and 75 %, to the newest and shortest runway [8,500 ft in length]. What about the second runway (10,500 ft in length)?

They are not accountable to anyone for the decisions that affect the local communities. We, in the airport communities, are a disposable population that can be disregarded and the Port can continue to derive 70 to 80% of their income from the airport, but provide no benefit/relief/mitigation to the people that bear the brunt of their ruthless decisioon making. 

King County paid $75 million to mitigate construction impacts of Brightwater, Cedar Hills landfill neighbors received $20 million for noise and air pollution. The state has always tried to protect freeway sideline residents with cement walls. The link lightrail project has spent millions to lessen the impact on the residents along that route. 

The sum total of Sea-Tac mitigation has been to landscape their property to make it more visually acceptable for customers arriving at the airport!!

Depraved indifference is the kindest thing I can say about Port policies toward their airport neighbors. 

Stu Creighton 

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